Monday, August 13, 2012

ARC: Review: Fear the Darkness by Alexandra Ivy

 Mass Market Paperback, 352 pages
Expected publication: August 28th 2012 by Zebra
ISBN 13: 9781420111378
Source: Publisher, for the purpose of an honest review
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Best read in order: yes
Stars: 3
Flames: 3

Prophecies and the cryptic predictions that come with seers are a favorite element in books for me. The tension and speculation that is added to a book by this makes the pages fly by with anticipation. I have loved Cassandra from the moment she was introduced in this series. I loved the fact that she misunderstood many things due to her naiveté and taking things quite literally. Thus I have been looking forward to this book.

Caine was incredibly devoted to Cassandra. He did everything within his power to give her a sense of normalcy. He saw her as a woman, not the prophet. He also had an incredible patience with her and her naiveté. Caine is also a character that I have enjoyed reading since his introduction to the series. I like reading the bad guy who eventually sees the error of his ways and decides to make a positive change.

I need a love story in romance books I read. I want to be swept away in the chase as the hero and heroine find their way to their happily ever after. Cassie and Caine’s love story seemed to take a backseat as the Dark Lord got closer to crossing over from the hell dimension.

In my opinion at least half of Fear the Darkness focuses on past characters and the strengths they bring to the fight against the Dark Lord. Readers are also given a view from team Dark Lord and how they plan to free it from its prison and the reasons they are fighting for team Dark Lord. I always enjoy multiple perspectives, so the page time with Gaius was interesting.

The things that didn’t work for me: Caine is incapacitated for a ridiculous amount of time (this really took away from the romance) I felt like I was reading a book focused more on the Dark Lord and its desire to escape its prison than a romance.

I did enjoy the book. I absolutely will continue the series. I’m curious what will happen with several of the characters, especially after what the end revealed. Ivy also introduced a yummy new vampire. I’m looking forward to her plans with him.


  1. I am eager to read this one and love the series so I appreciate reading the points you made in your review.


  2. I love this series. I've been looking forward to Caine's book, so I hope I not too disappointed.
